Landeskrankenanstalten-Betriebsgesellschaft KABEG

Project KABIS
Project management, development, customizing, testing, implementation support, trainings and operational management of KABIS (a hospital reporting and information system) and the data warehouse LKF for KABEG – the Association of Medical Institutions in Carinthia.
Strategy Concept e-health Carinthia
Organizational and ICT strategy concepts with focus on telemedicine for a comprehensive connection of all relevant partners in the medical and nursing field in Carinthia.
Personnel Requirements Analysis
Performance-oriented analysis of personnel requirements (commercial and technical staff) within the regional hospital “Klinikum Klagenfurt” as accompanying measures during the ongoing organization development of the clinic.
Implementation of CISO
Conception and installation of an Information Security Management System (ISMS) as well as taking concrete organizational measures to establish a CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) at KABEG.